Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Where have I been?

I have not been on here for a while now. I have actually been concentrating on both my schooling and getting my main website set up and online.

The link for my main site is http://www.ianc13.net

I will be updating a bit more often now that I have caught up on my projects a bit.


Sunday, May 4, 2008

My own site

After ages of not being able to access or change my own domain name to my Hostgator account, I finally did it.


Will be creating a self promotion site on it which encompasses Web Design, Internet Marketing and a site about Dragons....

Stay tuned for more.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

I am still going strong

I have been so busy working on a couple of sites. I am remodeling my site at Aus Health Info to try and get it looking better, still have a lot to do on that. Going with a colour scheme of dark blue and orange which looks a whole lot better than it sounds. Also have to make the site more user friendly and put some more quality information on it.

I have also begun the final draft for a new site that will be for resell products for internet marketers. Wanted to do something a little different to all the subscription sites in this field so it will be a individual product type site with some really good products on it.

In the design stages which is my own personal site. This will be to showcase what I have been doing online, what I can do and will offer services to create and modify websites for anyone wanting to start out. It will also have a creative area that I will use to show what can be done in web design to help your site stand out from the crowd.

School wise, I have been busy getting my head around using CSS to create fully functional web sites to the xhtml 1.0 strict standard and my next few sites will be done using this very strict coding. I have also been learning how to use Photoshop a little better, how to do 3D modeling and also how to design for print projects. All very useful for where I am heading in my own online endevours.

On a personal level, I am back at the gym and doing a full weight training program. It's not that easy when I have so many other commitments but at the end of the day I am a large person and need to maintain my health, so its a case of just making the time every day to get back to being fit.

Thats about it for the moment. Not much else happening on this front. Will keep things updated as I go.