Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My Business Plan

Well, I started writing my business plan today, going through the basics of where I am at present and what my long term goals are for this business.

It's quite funny that when you have not been focussed and you put all the details of what you have done on paper, you find that things have been going rather slow compared to how much work you seem to have been doing.

A lack of focus can really stop you from advancing in any direction at all. Though I have made a few small sales, I can see now that they were more by good luck than from anything I did myself. I am so keen to stop making the same mistakes over and over and to actually focus on the one system until it works now.

Although a lot of people put pride in the way of admitting thier weaknesses, I now know that the only thing that has been stopping me from advancing is myself, my lack of commitment to furthering my education in this field and my inability to stop dreaming and start doing what I need to do.

That is all going to change now. I am going to work out how to utelise my time better and part of my business plan is to structure my work on this endevour and place specific timelines on it.

The countdown is on to being successful.

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