Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A Slower Day

Had a slower day today, not much online stuff and had to go out and do some things in town. However that did not stop me from thinking about where I want to be or how I am going to get there.

I spend a lot of my day thinking of these things, trying to sort out in my mind how to progress without the finances to make big changes. I know that the popular opinion is that if you want something bad enough you will always come up with the money to do it, but sometimes it's not that easy.

My wife is trying to get into a course that will start her on the way to being a Vet nurse. It is something that she has wanted to do since she was around 4 years old but has never had the support or confidence to persue.

This, of course, costs money. We are really in a financial hole at present so we have to prioritise according to what will be the most benefit to us, both in the short term and the long.

My wife doing this course is something that is not only beneficial both to her happiness and her opportunities, but is also time sensitive so it has to take priority for finances.

So, back to the drawing board for me. I am now concentrating on how to make enough money online to build what I am doing, and then to increase on it until it is at the level I am aspiring to.

I have no doubt that I can do it, I have always believed that this is my pathway.

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