Sunday, February 10, 2008

Change of plans

You know what, after a long time of pottering about with a site that has cost me money, been unreliable and has not, to date, made a single cent, I am throwing in the towel on

I know a lot of people say that if you give up on something you may have been just around the corner from making it work, but after a lot of hassles with both my host for this account and my domain provider (not hostgator, another host), I decided to stop stressing out about it and move forward in a different direction.

Though this means dropping a PR4 site, I am of the opinion that it doesn't matter what rating a site has if it is not doing the intended job. For a site to be successful, it should be something that people use and utelise on a regular basis for the sites intended purpose.

Well, is dead in the water as far as this is concerned. I have wasted enough time trying to get something to work that just doesn't cut it as far as what its intentions are.

So, watch this space as I will be getting ready to go in a new direction in the coming weeks. may not be immeadiately apparent what I am doing, but I have some brilliant people on my side who offer me help and support, so I will be getting to where I am destined to be within this year.

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