Monday, February 18, 2008

Why I am trying so hard with the online business

This is what it is like in Australia. Though we are called the lucky country by most, and I will agree that we are perhaps better off here than some, it is still a country that is divided into the haves and the have nots.

At present, due to a few mistakes in my past and not being able to find employment, my wife and I are very definitly in the have not category. In the grand scheme of things, and trying to improve my employability skills, I am embarking on a Advanced Diploma in Multimedia to further my skills in regards to website design and implementation. My wife has already begun her certificate course in animal companionship, which will hopefully lead her into work with a vet practice where she can then go onto become a Vet Nurse.

We are only able to do this because we are living in my mothers house. Otherwise we would not be able to do anything. The Australian Government does provide financial support to people who are out of work, this is $420 a fortnight if you are single and $375 a fortnight if you are a couple. Not a real lot to live on out here in the real world!

So, because I am now doing a course that the Australian Government does not consider to be part of their unemployment approved courses, I have to apply for a different financial support payment called Austudy. This further reduces my fortnightly payment from $375 to $330! Apparently, as a student I need even less finances to live.

So, is Australia the lucky country for all? Well, not in our case, or many other people we know of. Ironically, the government has just realised that inflation is rising too fast so now everything is going to become even more expensive!

Though this may seem like a rant, probably because it is, all that my current situation does is make me more determined to succeed with my online business aspirations.

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